Speaking engagements & presentations


JR provides presentations on Trauma Informed Interviewing, Trans Survivors of Sexual Violence, Navigating Relationships, LGBTQ+ 101, Trans 101, Gender Socialization, Sexual Pleasure, Queer Sex Ed, Judaism and Sex, Slut Shaming & Rape Culture, and many more.


JR has spoken at:

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St. Andrew’s Episcopal School

Healthy Relationships

Sexual Violence 101

Temple Beth-el.

Healthy Relationships

Consent - Middle School

Trans 101

St. Mary’s University

Trauma Informed Investigations for Title IX

Healthy Relationships

The Neurobiology of Trauma

New Summit School

Healthy Relationships

Sexual Violence 101

Other Presentation Topics Include:

Sex Education 101

power dynamics and consent

Queer leadership

domestic violence: Emotional Abuse

antisemitism and white supremacy

sexual violence and mental health

Teen Dating Violence

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Masturbation: Stigma, shame, and the media

Importance of representation

Power dynamics and institutions

boundaries and relationships

sexual assault and greek life

Sexual assault in the military

First Responders, Sexual Violence, and Domestic Violence

How To Care for Patients who Experienced Sexual Violence

JR speaking on healthy relationships at New Summit School in 2017. Featured on WLBT News in Mississippi.